
Make an escape plan

Fire Kills - Make an escape planWould you and your family know what to do if you had a fire in your home at night?

It can be difficult to think clearly in an emergency. Having and practising an escape plan will help you act quickly if there is a fire in your home, one day it could save your life.

Follow the tips below and make a fire escape plan today.

Make and practice

  • When making your escape plan involve everyone who lives in your home, including lodgers.
  • When you have made your plan make sure everyone understands it.
  • Practice your plan with everyone in your household.
  • Remind everyone of what to do on a regular basis in the event of a fire.
  • You could put up a reminder of what to do in a fire somewhere where it will be seen regularly.
  • If you have children you could put your address by the phone so that children can read it out to the emergency services.

Choosing your escape route

  • Your usual way in and out of your home is the best escape route.
  • Always choose a second escape route in case your first choice is blocked.
  • Keep all exits clear of obstructions.
  • Think about any difficulties you may have getting out, for example you may need to use a torch at night.
  • If there are children, older or disabled people or pets, plan how you will get them out.

Take refuge in a safe place if you are unable to escape

  • The first priority is to get everyone out of the building. If you are unable to escape you will need to find a room to take refuge in.
  • This is particularly important if you experience difficulty in moving around or going downstairs in your own.

Be key smart

  • Make sure everyone knows where the door and window keys are kept.
  • keep the keys in the correct place at all times.

If you live in a flat remember the following when making your escape plan

  • The lift will be out of action if there is a fire. Choose an escape route that does not require the lift.
  • Count how many doors there on the route to get to the stairs in case you can’t find your way.
  • Make sure the stairways and fire escapes are kept clear at all times and that fire doors are never locked.
  • Check that you can open the doors to the stairways or escapes from both sides on a regular basis.