Curiosity Copycat
This DVD aims to educate parents of young children about the dangers of using lighters and other fire setting materials in the presence of children.
It tells the true story of how a Banbury child of two years old successfully ignited a lighter and set fire to her mattress, nearly killing her and her sister.
Why this is important
Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue have developed this DVD because of similar incidents occurring in the county.
The need for this important message is supported by national statistics which demonstrate that young children lighting fires are not simply tragic, infrequent accidents.
As a matter of fact, there are as many as five deaths per year and more than 220 injuries in the United Kingdom caused to young children because they play with matches and lighters.
Because young children cannot escape fire as easily as adults, it is important that all parents of young children be aware of their actions and how young children imitate them.
If you would like a copy
Call our free phone Community Safety number 08000 325 999 or email to request your copy.