Ice and frozen water
We would like to remind people of the extreme danger of playing near or attempting to walk on frozen ponds, lakes, canals or rivers.
Please don’t take unnecessary risks by venturing on frozen water, stay off the ice and keep pets on a lead.
“Over 50 per cent of ice related drowning involved an attempted rescue of another person or a dog. In many instances the dog managed to scramble ashore unaided while the owner did not. It is therefore prudent not to throw sticks or balls for dogs near frozen water and if they do get into trouble, not to attempt to rescue them by venturing onto the ice!” (RoSPA)
If you fall through the ice
- Keep calm and call for help.
- If no help is available spread your arms across the surface of the ice.
- If the ice is strong enough kick your legs and slide onto the ice.
- Lie flat and pull yourself to the bank.
- If the ice is very thin, break it in front of you and make your way to the shore
- If you cannot climb out, wait for help keeping as still as possible.
- Press your arms by your side and keep your legs together.
- Once you are safe, go to hospital immediately for a check-up.